Workbench Screen Grabs Bill Eaves Enclosed are a few screengrabs, two of the workbench and the other of the screen I use for my internet applications. With an Amiga you do not have to run everything on the same screen all the time. The images are in JPEG format so will be viewable on any Amiga either by datatypes or Visage, VT, Fastview etc. Both screenmodes are 16 bit 1024x768 running on a Pixel64 which is probaly the best buy for my Amiga in recent times. The WB screen was grabbed using SGrab from the Aminet, the YAM screen was grabbed using Turboprint. Both were converted form IFF24 to Jpeg using Image Studio. Hardware Used ============= A1200 in an Ateo tower with Blizzard 1260 overclocked at 66MHz, I have no PPC yet :-( 82 MB Ram is installed so who needs virtual memory. RTG is handled by the Ateo bus and Pixel 64 which has certainly revolutionised the Amiga's display. An internal SCSI Zip drive is handy for backups and data storage. The internal DF0: has been replaced by a Catweasel and PC floppy drive re-mounted as df0: Umax Astra scanner. The M3400 modem is old and only 28.8k so I need a new one. Software used for the WB ======================== Picasso 96 for RTG used with Ateobus software. Visual Prefs to make the window gadgets look correct on 1x1 pixel screens. MCP which does a lot of things, some you have to switch off to avoid crash city. but on the whole invaluable. Power Windows lets you move windowes off screen to a small extent. Power WB adds some useful key shortcuts and window gadgets to make life easier. Magic Menu. NewIcons. KingCon - the original CLI is so limited in comparison. Birdie - see details in WBGrab1. ToolsDaemon for adding extra menus. Tool Manager - see details in WGrab1. ReKeyIt for changing the menu shortcuts. MUI - of course :-) PFS2 handles the file system on the hard drive and zip disks. AK Datatypes. Other Software ============== Tons but here are the main ones I use. GoldEd 5.1.6 A superb text editor with very useful plug ins. Used to write this ! You can even play minesweeper in it. Wordworth 7 for those letters etc. Organiser and Money Matters are my other Digita apps. TurboPrint 7 - the original Amiga drivers leave a lot to be desired. YAM 2p7, the best email client ever :-) NewsRog, likewise but for News. IBrowse, waiting for v2 to arrive. Digital Universe an astronomy package that beats the competition on the opther platforms. Image Studio useful for manipulating Gfx, sadly Draw Studio is crash city at the moment :-( Workbench Grab #1. The background image is by Heiko Popp and along with many other of his C4D renders can be found on the Aminet in pix/heiko Toolmanager shows the internet apps and a few miscellaneous apps I use a lot. The docks are mainly from the ZT_Dock brush icons that can be found on Aminet. The others are MWB icons that I scaled and got rid of the border so are slightly blurred. I still need a ZT type icon for an Email programme. The horrible WB calculator has been replaced by a proper Reverse Polish HP calculator, unfortunately the real ones are no longer available from Hewlett Packard :-( Birdie is used for the Window borders, the wood look is one of the patterns supplied with Birdie but darkenned a bit using Image Studio as I use white text for active windows. Though you can use many patterns for inactive windows I do like to know which window is the active one so I just used a greyscale (using Image Studio again) of the same pattern for all inactive windows. The Newicons are set to use white text with a black surround which means that it is readable on just about any backdrop. See WBgrab2 Workbench Grab #2 The background image I downloaded from the Screens site at The photos of the dogs were scanned with a UMAX scanner using Photoscope software. Image studio was used to scale them to a much smaller size. Internet Grab Not the Workbench but a grab of the screen I use for Yam and NewsRog. MCP grabs other windows if this screen is in front as shown by Miami and MCDPlay. The background satin.jpeg and the MUI textures are included. The MUI textures were from the Aminet BrainSoup archive but I have made them lighter to allow text to be shown a bit more clearly. Note the use of Power WB to shift windows partially off screen. Well that's it for now. The current WB may change quite soon as I have ordered Magellan 2. Blame that on Ben Vost who reviewed it recently ;^)